Xiamen Sinuowei Automated Science and Technology Co.,Ltd

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  • come funziona la macchina automatica di assemblaggio della fascetta stringitubo?
come funziona la macchina automatica di assemblaggio della fascetta stringitubo?

come funziona il gruppo fascetta automatica lavoro a macchina ?

con lo sviluppo della società , carenza di manodopera, difficile mantenimento dei lavoratori e aumento dei costi per il lavoro pone tutte le maggiori sfide alle fabbriche.

per salvare questo problema, il nostro team ha inventato e migliorato il macchina fascetta con super potente negli ultimi 10 anni e fatto domanda per molti brevetti.

i lavoratori devono solo semilavorati prodotti nei cassonetti corrispondenti a intervalli di 4 ore. nostro pinza automatica può funzionare continuamente per produrre fascette stringitubo qualificate.

generalmente , un lavoratore può occuparsi di quattro macchine contemporaneamente. l'efficienza di ogni macchina è 1000pcs / ora. secondo il tempo di lavoro di otto ore di lavoro al giorno, un tubo flessibile la macchina a pinza può produrre 2.080.000 pezzi all'anno con un quarto di input di manodopera dozzina di volte di efficienza rispetto a prima. così il cliente può risparmiare molto sul costo del lavoro e riprenditi il ​​costo con metà e un anno. Come funziona l'automatico fascetta macchina di assemblaggio lavoro ? Puoi vedere il flusso di lavoro come segue :

How does the automatic hose clamp assembly machine work? with the development of society,labor shortages, difficult worker retention and Rising costs for labor are all posing greatest challenges to factories. To save this problem, our team invented and improved the hose clamp machine with super powerful over the past 10 years and applied for a lot of patents. Workers only need to put semi-finished products into the corresponding bins at intervals of 4 hours. Our hose clamp machine can run continuously to produce qualified hose clamp. Generally,a worker can take care of four machines at once. The efficiency of each machine is 1000pcs/hour. According to the work time of eight hours of work a day, a hose clamp machine can produce 2,080,000pcs a year with a quarter of labor input but dozen times of efficiency than before. So client can save a lot of labor cost and get back the cost with half and a year.How does the automatic hose clamp assembly machine work?

How does the automatic hose clamp assembly machine work? with the development of society,labor shortages, difficult worker retention and Rising costs for labor are all posing greatest challenges to factories. To save this problem, our team invented and improved the hose clamp machine with super powerful over the past 10 years and applied for a lot of patents. Workers only need to put semi-finished products into the corresponding bins at intervals of 4 hours. Our hose clamp machine can run continuously to produce qualified hose clamp. Generally,a worker can take care of four machines at once. The efficiency of each machine is 1000pcs/hour. According to the work time of eight hours of work a day, a hose clamp machine can produce 2,080,000pcs a year with a quarter of labor input but dozen times of efficiency than before. So client can save a lot of labor cost and get back the cost with half and a year.How does the automatic hose clamp assembly machine work?

How does the automatic hose clamp assembly machine work? with the development of society,labor shortages, difficult worker retention and Rising costs for labor are all posing greatest challenges to factories. To save this problem, our team invented and improved the hose clamp machine with super powerful over the past 10 years and applied for a lot of patents. Workers only need to put semi-finished products into the corresponding bins at intervals of 4 hours. Our hose clamp machine can run continuously to produce qualified hose clamp. Generally,a worker can take care of four machines at once. The efficiency of each machine is 1000pcs/hour. According to the work time of eight hours of work a day, a hose clamp machine can produce 2,080,000pcs a year with a quarter of labor input but dozen times of efficiency than before. So client can save a lot of labor cost and get back the cost with half and a year.How does the automatic hose clamp assembly machine work?



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